
STRAKON 2022 must be installed!

Download and Installation

  1. Click the STRAKON2022Patch2_Revision5.exe file and the Save command.
  2. Select the directory in which you want to save the file.
  3. Click Close.
  4. Click on the saved file STRAKON2022Patch2_Revision5.exe and follow the installation instructions.
  5. Start STRAKON (the user data is now automatically installed).
  6. After the installation the version STRAKON premium 2022 .2.5 (64 Bit) is available in About STRAKON (menu ?)


Revised themes for Patch 2

3D Modeling / Cube

  • 3D embedded parts: Modifications when inserting via "Search (default)" for parameterized embedded parts
  • Cube / Cube component: When editing a 3D embedded part in the Flex-Part, the lock of the embedded part is now deleted after exit.
  • Wall: After modifying via grip points, the assigned surfaces are retained.
  • Create staircase: Modifications when a stair type is set to "No stairs".
  • View box: Selection of reinforcement categories simplified.

3D Views

  • Edges of split surfaces are displayed again.
  • Correct linestyles for symbols of wall openings that lie behind a section layer.
  • Modifications in the marking of dimensions and reinforcement for "move individually free".

Cube Reinforcement

  • Modifications in the transfer of modified leg dimensions after a change in diameter.


  • Modifications in the additional text, e.g. duplicate characters removed etc.
  • The counting factor in the bar representation of a Cube reinforcement can no longer be changed manually.
  • Additional text remains after moving the item number and copying the laying.
Displays of 3D/Cube reinforcement
  • Cube meshes: Modifications in the representation of layings, including those created on virtual surfaces, of count views of bent meshes and of mesh representations.

Project model

Project backup
  • Modifications in the creation and restore of a project backup.

Output / Interfaces / Data Export

  • Parameterized embedded parts are exported to the ifc file again.
  • Modifications when exporting a DWG file.
  • Modifications in the query of unlocks for the output of drawings with reinforcement schedules.


Automatic snapping to points
  • Line points are found again
Silent installation
  • Installation revised

New features in Patch 2

Flex-Parts schedules: New Office template "DICAD_Flex-Parts-Project.xlsx" for all Flex-Parts used in the project incl. 3D embedded parts contained in them.


Revised themes for Patch 1

3D Modeling / Cube

  • The selection of the surface works again.
  • Surfaces can be assigned to several or all surfaces again.
  • Embedded part: The switch setting "Insert in Flex-Part" no longer affects "Components - Edit".
  • Isolink: Insert works again.
  • Intersection error corrected when modifying via the staircase dialog.
  • Improvement of intersection in winder stairs with very narrow stair eye and acute-angled treads.
  • Modifications in the display of textures
  • The display in the model, e.g. hidden objects etc., remains when editing a Flex-/3D embedded part.

3D Views

  • Settings: The selected size of the alternative display now affects all display types.
  • Modify: The "Unwinding section" is no longer available in the "New section" function.
  • Stair views can now also be used in the shop drawing of project models.
  • 2D objects of 3D embedded parts are now displayed in the 3D views again.

Cube Reinforcement

  • Modification in the calculation of quantity of bent meshes in a laying.
  • Virtual representation in the Cube and in the section of the 3D View corrected.
  • Position correction "Close gaps" no longer removes Cube meshes from the mesh sum list.
  • Modifications to the display of a bent mesh with cross bars on the outside
  • Bending shape tied to half cylinder and adjacent surfaces can now be laid.
  • 0° hooks are no longer output to the bar representation and in the bar list with bending shape.
  • Free bending shape: Error in the transfer of the value for the last leg has been corrected.


Displays of 3D/Cube reinforcement
  • Existing reinforcement from copied project model work directories is not queried again when updating.
  • For the bending shape of the Cube meshes, the settings for the "Main view - Representation" are now used.
  • Modifications in additional text (double letter, large line break)
  • Hooks of bent meshes can be corrected again

Projekt Model

Cube Views
  • The reference point can now also be approached from outside the object.
  • Dimension auxiliary lines are now extended correctly.
  • Modifications made when rounding dimensions.
  • Function "Update referencing objects with dialogs" removed from title bar and "File".
  • Export of an IFC file with visible reinforcement is possible again.

Outputs / Interfaces / Data Export

Print PDF
  • The IDs of the Flex-Parts are placed on the ModelIDs layer again.
  • Texts are displayed correctly in PDF file again.
Export DWG
  • The invisible dimensions of the embedded parts are no longer exported.
  • The elements are assigned to the correct layers again.

3D Embedded Parts

  • Type data: The default values "Assembly part" and "Only relevant for shop drawings" are remembered again.


  • QuickBox: Dimensions are saved to the QuickBox with the correct settings again.
  • Modifications when setting the lock files for drawing administration and project database of embedded parts during plan change/save.