40 years of success: STRAKON celebrates its round anniversary

STRAKON, the leading software solution for structural design in the civil engineering and prefabrication of DICAD Systeme GmbH, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Since its foundation in 1984 and three years later the foundation of DICAD Systeme GmbH, STRAKON has continuously developed and today stands for innovative CAD and 3D technologies that have a lasting impact on the construction industry.

With STRAKON, engineers and prefabricated plants rely on flexible and practice-oriented software that makes the entire planning process efficient – from the initial idea to the detailed execution to the control of production machines in the prefabricated plant. Over four decades, STRAKON has written an unparalleled success story and successfully faced the challenges of digitalization in the construction industry.

"We are proud of what we have achieved in the last 40 years," explains Mike Richter, managing director of DICAD Systeme GmbH. "STRAKON was designed from the outset to simplify the day-to-day planning of our customers. Today, we offer a solution that uses cutting-edge technology to support the work of planners around the world."

STRAKON-Report 1984
STRAKON celebrates its 40th anniversary – STRABAG’s CAD program system, a forerunner of today’s STRAKON software, has developed into the leading solution for structural design over the past four decades.

Milestones and innovations

STRAKON’s success story started as STRABAG SE’s in-house software and developed over the years into a comprehensive, independent BIM CAD software for structural design and a revolutionary, proprietary 3D computing core. The most important milestones of the software include the launch of the 3D modeling in Cube, the integration of BIM functionalities and numerous interfaces as well as the continuous development and user-friendliness.

Looking to the future

In this anniversary year, we are not only looking back on four decades of innovation and customer success with STRAKON, but also looking forward. With the aim of further revolutionizing construction planning, STRAKON is continuously working on new features that enable even greater efficiency and precision in close cooperation with users.

"The 40th anniversary marks an important milestone for us," says Richter. "But we still have a lot to do. The construction industry is facing major changes and we want to continue to lead the way in meeting these challenges with our customers."


STRAKON is one of the leading BIM CAD software solutions for structural design. Since 1984, STRAKON has been supporting planners worldwide in implementing construction projects efficiently, precisely and in a future-proof manner. Focusing on technologies for structural design, STRAKON offers a flexible and powerful tool that constantly adapts to the changing requirements of the construction industry.

Digital bridge planning with STRAKON in the 1980s - screen representation of a bridge design
Digital bridge planning with STRAKON in the 1980s - screen representation of a bridge design
Building designer

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